Money is Power

Money is neither good or bad. It is a tool, and can be used for positive or negative things, just as a hammer could be used to build a home or could be used as a deadly weapon.

Unfortunately, we hear a lot about the tool of money being harnessed in negative ways, often in the pursuit of more money and power. Big tobacco companies paid researchers and scientists to claim cigarettes weren’t bad for people’s health, and sugar companies are doing the same thing today.*

But you, beautiful reader who is saving and investing, you can use the power your money grants you in positive ways. You can save lives, help your community, spend more time with people you love. Your power could help you quit a job that isn’t making you happy, travel the world, focus on your health, or volunteer more.

So keep up your efforts to save and invest, and if you haven’t started yet, now is the time! #MoneyGoals


*I found a lot of articles on this, so if you want to read more check these out:

Also, random fun fact I learned while doing some research for this post, every President we’ve had for the last 60 years has been a multi-millionaire.