What Do You Want?

Imagine you are at a restaurant.* A bow-tie clad waiter approaches your table and hands you a menu. You open it, and are surprised to find that there is no food to order. Rather, this menu is filled with paths your life can follow. You can choose to be whatever you want, do whatever you want, go wherever you want.

This may sound like a dream, but it’s more reality than we often realize.

While it can seem like our only option in life is to work 5 days a week for 40-50 years then spend our last couple decades on Earth sitting in an armchair watching other people play golf, there is an endless amount of other options out there.

You can travel the world, like this guy who lives in a new country every 4 months. You could save aggressively and retire before you’re 35 like this guy. You could live a life radically different from anything you’ve ever seen before.


Yes, some things require more work. Yes, some require taking risks. Yes, your family, friends, coworkers (even strangers) may not agree with what you want. But at the end of the day it’s your life. Take some time to think about what you want to do with it. Please don’t read this post and look back at your life while you’re sitting in an armchair at 75 years old and regret not taking that cross-country trip on your bike (I’m talking to you future Greg).

The first step is figuring out what you want.

Then go.

Do it.



*Which should be hard to imagine because you cook all your own food and never eat at a restaurant right? 😉