Lessons Learned from Australia

Australia isn’t a radically different place from the US, but there were some notable differences and similarities I observed while spending two weeks there.

Public Transportation

Brisbane and the surrounding area easily had the best public transportation system I’ve ever seen. There was an endless stream of buses going in and out of the city, with an easy to use payment system, and relatively low fares. They have a separate “busway” next to the highway, a road only buses can drive on. So even if cars are stuck in traffic, the buses are still able to drive people around at normal speeds.

I was able to explore for 12 days straight and all of my public transportation costs combined came out to be $40 AUD (about 30 US dollars). One day, Mars and I took a train from Brisbane to Gold Coast which takes about an hour by car, and it was about $1.50 one way per person. That’s crazy.

Power Outlets

IMG_3147Every power outlet that I encountered in my time down under had a switch on it. This switch allows you to turn the flow of electricity to that outlet off whenever you aren’t using it, saving energy (therefore money) and making the outlets safer as well. When I told an Aussie that ours were on all the time, she asked “How expensive are your electricity bills?!”

Gas Prices

Gas is expensive in Australia compared to the US. Twice as expensive. While there, my friend filled up her car with 27.65 liters (about 7 gallons) of gas that cost $35.09 AUD (about 26 US dollars). Some quick math, and that comes out to a little over 4 US dollars a gallon, meanwhile the gas station by my house in Dallas sells the stuff for $2.20.

The majority of the difference in costs comes from a fuel tax in Australia. Their fuel tax when converted comes out to over $1 US dollar per gallon of gas in added price. This tax revenue is partially used to fix their roads, but a few articles I read argued that not enough of the tax revenue was being invested in infrastructure.


One would think that with the high gas prices, people would only buy small, fuel-efficient cars. While there were many compact cars, there were quite a few ridiculously large, jacked up vehicles as well. The black tube on the side of the truck on the right is a snorkel, which allows you to drive through water without flooding your engine. These trucks are a great way to explore the Australian bush, but a silly and inefficient way to drive on the highway (which is where I saw most of these contraptions).

While every country has their good and bad aspects, it’s always interesting to explore somewhere new and compare and contrast with your home country. Have you found something different abroad that you wished we had in the US?


Australia and Balance

A few days ago I got home from Australia, ending a two week period in which I spent as much money as I usually do in two months. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit spending that much hurt a bit.

I’d also be lying if I didn’t admit that it was an incredible experience. The people I met, places I visited, and memories I made will stick with me for the rest of my life.

Now, I was able to afford this trip because I don’t have any debt and I have a sizable financial safety net set up for myself. If you have debt, or don’t have enough savings to cover at least the next 6 months of your life, I would suggest that you work on those before spending hundreds of dollars on traveling. In fact, I would also suggest maxing out your Roth IRA for the year as well (which I did).

But life is all about balance. No one is happy spending 100% of their money, but I don’t think anyone is happy saving 100% of their money either. We all have to find what balance works for us. In the past, I’ve declined experiences with family, friends, or traveling to save money, and my trip to Australia was an interesting look at how the opposite mindset made me feel (declining saving to travel/spend time with friends).

I am still figuring out what the right balance is for myself, but I think it’s healthy to experiment to find what works for you. If you usually spend a lot of money, try cutting back and see if it’s a better balance. If you save all your money, try spending a little bit and see if it’s a better balance.

As the great philosopher Smash Mouth once said, “We could all use a little change.” This next month, I encourage you to try changing something or doing something new to find balance in your life. #MoneyGoals


(Pictured: Sunset in Byron Bay, NSW, Australia. May 21, 2017)

Why I Don’t Use a Budget

The vocabulary word of the day is gamification. For my fellow millennial friends, I’m talking about Snapchat streaks. For anybody who doesn’t know what Snapchat streaks are, gamification is the use of game characteristics (point scoring, competition, etc) to incentivize an action.

The power of gamification is unquestionable. If you have sent someone a Snapchat every day for the last 147 days, despite not having anything to tell them you’re going to send another one to bump your number up to 148 the next day, guaranteed. Even though that number doesn’t actually mean anything.

The good news is that you can harness the power of gamification to improve your life. Many people have already done this, competing with friends to take the most steps in a day.

I personally use spending gamification instead of a budget. I understand that budgets are useful tools, but I also think they lock you in to a specific spending level, and there’s no incentive to improve further.

I track all of my spending each month, and each month I try to spend a little bit less than I did the month before. I spent $40 eating out last month? Let’s see if I can spend less than $30 on eating out this month! This reinforces my spending goals with an exciting challenge, instead of the boring, “How much is in my budget?”

This gamification technique also requires less work than a budget. All you have to do is keep track of what you’re spending, and usually your bank or credit card company does that for you!

So I challenge you to give it a try. Bonus points if you compete with a friend, and see who can spend the least amount on eating out/gas/groceries/clothes/alcohol for the next month. Good luck, and enjoy the game! #MoneyGoals


(Pictured: A young Greg lost in Great Sand Dunes National Park and Reserve, Colorado. Summer 2011)


The world is not fair. So much in our lives hinges on two things, where we were born and who gave birth to us. In both cases we have no say in the matter. The hand you’re dealt is the hand with which you must play the game.

I understand that I was dealt about as good of a hand as anyone could hope for. I was born in a first world country to a middle class family as a white male in a system that unfairly favors white males. My parents read to me as a child, were patient and loving, and taught me how to excel at school and at work. The list could go on, but you get the point.

Others are dealt more challenging hands in the game of life. You might be born into a much less privileged situation than I was. I can imagine it is easy to disregard my thoughts and advice from that perspective, “Yeah, he can save money and invest it because he was born into a privileged life!”

I agree. I acknowledge that I will never fully understand anyone else’s perspective but my own, and my privilege may keep me from seeing things as others do. That being said, I believe that everyone’s unique perspective is valuable, and we all have things we can learn from each other. In the last few years I have had the opportunity to learn a great deal from hearing about different perspectives and life experiences.

And I want you to learn from mine!

I want the secret equation to become wealthy to be common knowledge. I want it to be a tool that everyone uses, not just those from privileged backgrounds. I want everyone to know the benefits of consuming less. I want everyone to know how to use a Roth IRA to achieve a comfortable retirement. I want everyone to have access to information that they can use to improve their lives if they so choose.

No matter who you are, I believe the ideas I discuss here are applicable to you. Everyone can benefit from simplifying their life or taking a closer look at how they’re spending their time and money. There is not a single human on this planet who is perfect, therefore we all can improve. Since people are still drinking toxic sludge, still buying $3,000 chairs with money they don’t have, and still spending billions on storage units for junk they don’t use, I’d say we have a lot of improvements left to make. #MoneyGoals


(Pictured: Hope Outdoor Gallery. Austin, Texas. March, 2015)

Money is Time

“Time is money.” We’ve all heard this phrase, and as a cliché it’s all but lost its meaning. But it’s true!

Just think, how did most of the money that you have ever had in your life get to you? Yes, you probably received some gifts, maybe a scholarship, or an inheritance even. But the vast majority of the money that comes to you is probably coming from your job. No matter who you are or what kind of job you have, a job is simply a tool that converts your time into a good or service, that you are then given money for. Therefore, money is just a measure of the amount of time you have put in.

Say I make $10 per hour, and I want to buy a new bike that costs $300. That bike costs 30 hours of my time. Easy enough right?

I was thinking about this concept while standing on a sidewalk in downtown Dallas yesterday at 5 pm, waiting for the bus to take me home. I watched an unusual amount of new fancy cars thunder past me. Mercedes, Range Rovers, Jaguars, and a Maserati. Each contained exactly one person, a business man or woman speeding home.

Let’s say for easy math, a new Range Rover costs $100,000 (actual price is pretty close, not bad!) and our luxurious businessperson makes $150,000 per year, or $75 per hour (which would almost put them in the top 5% of earners in the US).

This means that their Range Rover costs 1,333 hours of their time just to purchase, not counting gas, maintenance, or insurance.

1,333 hours. 

I wonder if the people who buy these cars would make the same decision if the purchase was presented to them in hours instead of dollars and cents. “Ma’am, this vehicle is the top of the line in luxury products, and you only have to spend 1,333 hours away from your friends, family, and hobbies” No thanks!

What’s more concerning is people who don’t make that much per hour, and then buy a fancy car with a loan. If you’re making $15 an hour and take on debt to buy a $30,000 car, then you’re signing away a future 2,000 hours of your time (most likely more due to interest). You are now chained to that car payment, it owns you.

The next time you make a major purchase, think about the time that it costs, not the amount of money. Is the time that you could spend doing *insert thing you love doing* worth giving up for *insert purchase*?

And if you decide to save the money, be sure to invest it and make that retirement account grow! #MoneyGoals

#MoneyGoals Ways to Save No. 1: Drink Water

Nearly half of Americans drink a soda (or pop for my Minnesota friends) daily. That blows my mind. As a country, we collectively spend $65 billion every year on artificially-colored sugar water. For the privilege of consuming a substance that rots our teeth, dehydrates us, and increases risk of obesity, diabetes, liver disease, we spend $850 per household annually.

Again, even if we completely ignore the health consequences, it still doesn’t make sense to waste $850 every year on something that unnecessary. Say that household invests that $850 per year for 18 years, building up a college fund for a kid. It would end up being $30,922.12, also known as a large chunk of college expenses.

Contrast this with the extra-low discount price of tap water at $0.004 per gallon, which is about as close to free as it gets, and you can see why it doesn’t make any sense to buy your drinks. This includes bottled water, which can be 300-2000x more expensive than tap water, not to mention creates needless plastic waste.

As a logical person, I have never understood why anyone would pay more for something that was less healthy. Drink water, save money, feel better, look better. #MoneyGoals


(Pictured: Some friends and I enjoying some free water. Austin, Texas July 2016)

$3,000 Chair at the Fair

I’m not a huge fan of fairs. Lots of overpriced and unhealthy food, lots
of oversold and unhealthy people, and not much peace and quiet. But I am a fan of people watching!

Last fall I went to the Texas State Fair with my homie Mars. We did a lot of walking around and exploring. Eventually we got tired and wanted to rest for bit. Fortunately there was a tent set up by a well-known mattress chain, with plenty of very comfortable looking furniture to test drive.

I sat in a modern-styled reclining chair with a footstool, and man it was comfy! It could’ve been that I’d been on my feet for the last 4 hours, but still. I melted into it.

Mars and I were talking about how much we thought that the chair would cost, and out of curiosity I asked the sales rep dude. He said “I think 2 or 3 thousand, lemme check,” then talked to another dude who knew, and said, “They’re $3,200”

$3,200 for a chair. What.

I wish that was the worst part of the story. Despite me emphasizing that I had asked simply out of curiosity and had no interest whatsoever in taking one home with me, the sales guy started hounding me pretty hard to buy one. He brought over his clipboard and put it right in front of my face.

Out of semi-politeness, I told him I didn’t have that kind of money and I’m a broke college kid. Partially true, but not fully because I could pay cash for a few of those silly chairs if I wanted to. But “I can’t afford it” is a lot more polite than “Get outta my face!” right?

Now, I know it’s his job, and everybody has to pay the bills. But after I told him that I was not able to afford a $3,000 chair, he tried to convince me to finance it. So basically telling me, “Hey poor college student, I know that you don’t have money now, so how about you pay it off little by little over a long period of time, paying more than you would have paid up front, and making sure you don’t have money for the next few years!”

His actual words were “It’s $20 a week, that’s less than your cell phone bill!”

Jokes on you bro, my phone bill is $19.51 a month $12.18 a month (as of April 2017).

Here’s what we learned:

1.   Someone out there is spending 3 grand on a comfy chair. Otherwise they wouldn’t be selling them. Don’t be that person.

2.   If somebody tries to sell you something, and they want you to finance it, pay for it over a period of time, “take advantage of a layaway option”, please say no and stop talking to them. If you’re financing something, you will pay a lot more for it. Looking back, I should’ve asked them what the interest rate on that financing was, so I could calculate how much more it would cost “with special financing”. But I just wanted to get out of there afer he started badgering me.

3.   One of the most powerful words in the English language is “no”. If you are not comfortable telling people no, get comfortable with it.
There will be people out there who are trained to make you part with your money, and they do a great job of masking the fact that it’s for their gain, not yours.


(Pictured: My cat using a significantly less expensive chair. Mora, MN December 2016)

Should I Pay Off Student Loans or Start Investing?

One of my friends recently asked me what should come first, paying off student loans or investing. It really depends on your situation.

First of all, if you are paying interest on your debt, and that interest is higher than what you expect to make investing (over 7%) then pay it off as soon as you can. Eat rice and beans until that crap is gone. Seriously.

But if you have debt that you aren’t paying interest on yet, or the interest is very low (less than 2-3%), take a look at how much debt you have, and how comfortable you are with it. Take for example someone who is getting done with 8 years of higher education which they’ve funded by taking on a lot (read: a crushing mountain) of debt, and will not be paying it all off in a short period of time. In their situation, I would recommend focusing all financial efforts towards getting that debt paid off, and freeing yourself. Once the debt is gone, then the savings and investments will start piling up.

On the other hand, if someone has a smaller, more manageable amount of debt that they expect to pay off quickly (within a year or two) upon graduating, then starting an investment strategy may be a good option. When contributing to your Roth IRA, you can only deposit $5,500 each year. So if you had the opportunity to contribute the maximum amount one year ago, but didn’t do it, you’ll never have that opportunity back. In other words, if you have 40 years until you withdraw that money, you will have given up $82,000 in tax-free money in retirement ( 5,500*(1.07)^40= 82,359.51 ).

Especially if you are not currently paying interest on that small amount of debt that you plan on paying off quickly before graduating, then contributing to a Roth IRA makes a lot of sense.

That being said, you should still consider your situation and how you feel about debt. If having any debt at all stresses you out, then you might be happier getting rid of it right away (I would be in this category). If you are ok with having some debt, and are confident you will be able to pay it off as soon as interest payments are due, then feel free to get started on your investments. But after maxing out your IRA for the year, paying down your debt should be the next priority if you’re in this situation.

P.S. I am a big believer in the power of just getting started. Even if you open up a Roth IRA today, and put a hundred bucks in it, then don’t touch it for the next four years because you’re paying down debt, that’s an awesome start. Simply knowing that you have an account there waiting for you to put more money in can motivate you, and it will be easy to transition from debt payments to IRA deposits once your debt is gone.

***Also, if you are working full-time, and your employer offers to match your contribution into a retirement account like a 401k, always contribute enough to get that match. Even if you’re in debt. That’s free money, please don’t throw away free money!


(Pictured: Me getting a workout in at Enchanted Rock, Llano, TX March, 2016)

Why I Want to Live Like I’m in College My Whole Life

If you ask a random 40-year-old in the corporate world what time of their life they had the most fun in, chances are they’ll tell you about the shenanigans they and their friends would get into during college. Their eyes will glaze over imagining the fun and freedom of their early 20’s.

Funny thing is they were probably all broke during college. Those successful 40-year-olds were working part-time jobs, driving crappy cars (or walking in my dad’s case) and eating ramen in their 20’s. All while possibly spending more than they earned, and paying for their education by going into debt.

Yet they were happy! (Read: money doesn’t buy happiness)

And I’m happy as a clam right now. Sure I don’t own any actual property or a car, and I spend well under $10,000 per year. But I love my life! I think a lot of people expect their lives to greatly improve once they make a solid salary, drive a new BMW, and live in a huge luxury apartment.

If you search for happiness in material things or showing off to other people, you’re going to always need more or nicer things. And you’re not gonna find meaningful, long-lasting happiness.

We find happiness in relationships, doing work we are passionate about, helping other people, and being healthy. None of these necessarily require money. Or a BMW.

What is required for these things that make us happy is time. That is why even when I start making a solid yearly salary, I will be saving as much money as I can to be able to have as much time as I need to engage in as many activities as I want to that make me happy.

Money = Time = Freedom to Do Things That Make You Happy

Conversely, if you spend all your money on silly things like cars, restaurant meals, the newest iPhone, or that 12th pair of shoes, then your equation will looks more like this:

Money = Things = Need for More Things = Need for More Money = More Work = Less Time

And less time means less relationships, hobbies, helpfulness, and health. And less happiness. #MoneyGoals


(Pictured: A tree yoga pose where a tree should be. Richardson, Texas, November 2015)

What is VTI?

The Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund is a collection of stocks that represent the entire market. A stock is a piece of ownership of a company, and stocks can be bought in one share or multiple shares. For example, you can buy a share of Apple, and you will own a small chunk of the company. That means that if the company makes money, you will get a little bit of those earnings.

But owning only one company is dangerous. Even billion dollar companies can lose lots of money, or even go out of business (#tbt to Enron).  So it’s best to diversify, and buy many different successful businesses to reduce your risk.

This is where VTI comes in. It owns over 3,600 different U.S. stocks, basically getting as much diversification as possible. With every approximately $115 share that you buy of VTI you are owning a chunk of profits from thousands of companies. That way if one company goes bad, it won’t hurt much at all, and most companies will continue to be successful!

That doesn’t mean that VTI will never lose money. It will go up and down just like the individual stocks do. It might go down 10% one year, and then up 20% the next, but over the long term it will go up about 7% every year just like I mentioned before.

Now, some people are able to make better than 7% on a consistent basis. Those people are rare, and have billions of dollars like Warren Buffett. I am no Warren Buffett, and you are no Warren Buffett. I used to think I was, and spent a couple years thinking I could do better than VTI. I couldn’t. And neither can 86% of Professional Money Managers.

VTI is where it’s at fam. Super easy.